The module by default will register global middleware and route rules to make your application more secure. You can also modify or disable any of middlewares/routes or your project cannot use them (i.e. some Statically Generated websites will not be able to use middlewares).
All module configuration is the following type:
interface ModuleOptions {
strict: boolean;
headers: SecurityHeaders | false;
requestSizeLimiter: RequestSizeLimiter | false;
rateLimiter: RateLimiter | false;
xssValidator: XssValidator | false;
corsHandler: CorsOptions | false;
allowedMethodsRestricter: AllowedHTTPMethods | false;
hidePoweredBy: boolean;
basicAuth: BasicAuth | false;
enabled: boolean;
csrf: CsrfOptions | false;
nonce: boolean;
removeLoggers: boolean | RemoveOptions; // RemoveOptions is being deprecated, please use `true` instead
ssg: Ssg | false;
sri: boolean;
All above ModuleOptions
are explained in more details in the next sections.
This module will automatically set default values for each option.
By default, this module chooses reasonable defaults that ensure that your application will not break. The following configuration options are set:
security: {
strict: false,
headers: {
crossOriginResourcePolicy: 'same-origin',
crossOriginOpenerPolicy: 'same-origin',
crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: 'credentialless',
contentSecurityPolicy: {
'base-uri': ["'none'"],
'font-src': ["'self'", 'https:', 'data:'],
'form-action': ["'self'"],
'frame-ancestors': ["'self'"],
'img-src': ["'self'", 'data:'],
'object-src': ["'none'"],
'script-src-attr': ["'none'"],
'style-src': ["'self'", 'https:', "'unsafe-inline'"],
'script-src': ["'self'", 'https:', "'unsafe-inline'", "'strict-dynamic'", "'nonce-{{nonce}}'"],
'upgrade-insecure-requests': true
originAgentCluster: '?1',
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
strictTransportSecurity: {
maxAge: 15552000,
includeSubdomains: true,
xContentTypeOptions: 'nosniff',
xDNSPrefetchControl: 'off',
xDownloadOptions: 'noopen',
xFrameOptions: 'SAMEORIGIN',
xPermittedCrossDomainPolicies: 'none',
xXSSProtection: '0',
permissionsPolicy: {
camera: [],
'display-capture': [],
fullscreen: [],
geolocation: [],
microphone: []
requestSizeLimiter: {
maxRequestSizeInBytes: 2000000,
maxUploadFileRequestInBytes: 8000000,
throwError: true
rateLimiter: {
tokensPerInterval: 150,
interval: 300000,
headers: false,
driver: {
name: 'lruCache'
throwError: true
xssValidator: {
throwError: true
corsHandler: {
origin: serverlUrl,
methods: ['GET', 'HEAD', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'DELETE'],
preflight: {
statusCode: 204
allowedMethodsRestricter: {
methods: '*',
throwError: true
hidePoweredBy: true,
basicAuth: false,
enabled: true,
csrf: false,
nonce: true,
removeLoggers: true,
ssg: {
meta: true,
hashScripts: true,
hashStyles: false,
nitroHeaders: true,
exportToPresets: true,
sri: true
mode and our user-friendly approach on how to Improve SecurityOverriding a layer's configuration
If you extend a Nuxt Layer which adds nuxt-security
, you can override that layer's nuxt-security
configuration or parts of it by defining a module in your project's nuxt.config.ts
. Here is an example that illustrates how to remove the 'none'
value set by default for object-src
export default defineNuxtConfig(
extends: 'some-layer-adding-nuxt-security',
modules: [
(_options, nuxt) => {
const nuxtConfigSecurity =
if (
typeof nuxtConfigSecurity.headers !== 'boolean' &&
nuxtConfigSecurity.headers.contentSecurityPolicy &&
typeof nuxtConfigSecurity.headers.contentSecurityPolicy !==
'boolean' &&
typeof nuxtConfigSecurity.headers.contentSecurityPolicy !==
'string' &&
) {
nuxtConfigSecurity.headers.contentSecurityPolicy['object-src'] =
].filter((x) => x !== "'none'")
Of course it's possible to define the module shown above using a file in the modules
directory as well.